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Background And Lineage

Aegon V Targaryen: The Unlikely King

Background and Lineage

Aegon V Targaryen, also known as "Egg," was the fourth and youngest son of Prince Maekar Targaryen and Lady Dyanna Dayne. As the youngest son, he was considered unlikely to ever ascend to the throne, earning him the nickname "the Unlikely."

Reign as King

After the deaths of his older brothers and father, Aegon V unexpectedly became king in 259 AC. His reign was marked by a desire for progress and reform. He abolished the practice of trial by combat and instigated land reforms to aid smallfolk and reduce the power of the aristocracy.


Aegon V's reign was short-lived, as he perished along with his sons and much of his court in a mysterious tragedy at Summerhall in 259 AC. He is remembered as a well-intentioned king who sought to improve the realm, but whose aspirations were cut short by an unforeseen disaster. **Conclusion:** Aegon V Targaryen, the "Unlikely King," left a lasting legacy as a reformer and innovator. His reign, though brief, set the stage for future changes in Westeros, shaping the political landscape and the lives of its people for generations to come.
